40 Ethereal Hair Colour Trends for the Spring-Summer Season : Apricot, Sunflower & Honey Combination

4. Apricot, Sunflower & Honey Combination

This unique combination exudes warmth and vibrancy, reminiscent of a sun-kissed summer day. The soft apricot tones infuse the hair with a delicate peachy hue, evoking images of blooming orchards and sun-drenched fields. Complemented by the golden hues of sunflower blonde, the hair is bathed in a luminous glow that exudes energy and vitality. Topping off the look with a hint of honey adds depth and dimension, enhancing the overall warmth and richness of the colour palette. The result is a stunning blend of shades that captures the essence of summer, infusing your hair with a sunlit radiance that is sure to brighten any room.

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Beautiful Hair by @christianarobinsonn  on Instagram Keep up to date with our features on @itakeyouwedding on Instagram.


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