Creme in Your Coffee vs Modesty vs Creme Cup vs Peach Blossom Mac

Creme in Your Coffee vs Modesty vs Creme Cup vs Peach Blossom Mac

creme in your coffee vs modesty vs creme cup vs peach blossom mac lipstick, mac lipstick shades , mac lipstick review

Creme in Your Coffee vs Modesty vs Creme Cup vs Peach Blossom Mac

From light pink tone to medium pink. Everyone has a colour that suits them best. Which shade is your fav and suit you? I love Modesty.

MAC Crème In your Coffee ( Cremesheen lipstick ) is a creamy very warm-toned, medium-tone pink brown with a natural finish.

Mac Modesty  ( Cremesheen lipstick ) is a muted neutral pink with a semi-glossy finish, slightly darker than creme cup

Mac Crème Cup ( Cremesheen lipstick ) is a neutral-toned, light pink with a semi-glossy finish.

MAC Peach Blossom Mac Cremesheen lipstick ) is a creamy medium cool-toned pink nude with a semi-glossy finish.


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